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The Trustees of the Kurt Hahn Trust invite applications for Kurt Hahn Scholarships for the academical year 2025-26. The Scholarships are intended to assist students of German nationality or who are domiciled resident or normally resident in Germany to pursue graduate studies at the University of Cambridge. Scholars will be required to become candidates for a Cambridge degree and should be based in Cambridge for the majority of the academical year.

The value of the Kurt Hahn Scholarships is £3,000. This is intended to be a contribution towards maintenance costs and does not cover the cost of University or College fees. Scholarships are tenable for one year only and cannot be postponed to another year. Applicants should also note that they are eligible for a Kurt Hahn Scholarship only once during their lifetime; unsuccessful applicants may reapply for funding in subsequent years.

Academic merit will not be the sole consideration: evidence of more than usual enterprise, breadth of interest, and social awareness will also be considered.

Application forms: