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International Students


The provision of immigration advice is regulated in the UK by the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA). Only staff in the International Student Office are designated to provide immigration advice and services to students at the University. The visa advice webpage outlines the range of UK student-related immigration matters we can advise on.

The International Student Office provides advice in good faith based on the information we have about your situation. We endeavour to ensure that the advice is accurate at the time it is given. However, this advice is subject to change. We cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, for consequences arising from the use of the advice, nor for decisions made by government agencies.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

The International Student Office uses your personal information in order to provide you, at your request, with visa advice relevant to your circumstances.

You have the right to confidentiality when you use the visa advice service. This means that any information received from or about you will not be disclosed to others outside the University.

The only exceptions to this are:

i. Where you have given your consent to disclose information or data;

ii. If you or others are in immediate physical danger; and

iii. If the provision of such information is required by law.

Please be aware that in order to maintain confidentiality we are only able to discuss immigration issues with the student concerned. We cannot, for example, discuss a student’s situation with a parent, legal guardian or friend, unless the student has given us their permission to do so in writing.

Written records of all visa advice provided by the International Student Office, whether by email or following an appointment, will be retained.

If you attend an appointment, the advisor will make written notes on your enquiry and the advice given to you. This record will be sent to you via email after your appointment and also stored electronically on our system. Once you have received the record, we will assume that you agree that the content is an accurate reflection of the appointment unless you contact the team within three working days of receipt to advise otherwise.

Further information about how we handle your personal information, and your rights under data protection legislation, is outlined on the University's Information Compliance webpages.

The Regulation of Immigration Advice and the UKCISA Code of Ethics

The OISC is responsible for ensuring that all immigration advisers fulfil the requirements of good practice. The International Student Office abides by the IAA Code of Standards.

The University is also a member of the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) and operates in accordance with the UKCISA Code of Ethics for Advisers.

Where the level of immigration advice required is beyond our mandate, we will inform you and ask you to contact appropriately qualified immigration professionals, legal professionals or UKCISA.

Conflict of Interest

An adviser must not act where there is a real or potential conflict of interest between them and the client. An adviser must explain fully and clearly to the client any circumstances in which they might have any personal interest or advantage in acting for them and it may be necessary in these cases to refer your case elsewhere.


The International Student Office will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, physical ability, or any other relevant consideration. We aim to provide an equal service to all students without prejudice or bias.


An adviser must not advise a student if it requires them to act beyond their authorisation. If we find ourselves in this position, we will inform you immediately in writing and explain the reasons why we are unable to assist you and refer your matter to appropriately qualified immigration professionals.

If it is in your best interest, our advisers will withdraw from a case. If it is necessary to withdraw, we will inform you in writing and if possible, we will refer you to seek advice from appropriately qualified professionals.

Immigration Compliance

Advice provided in relation to student immigration compliance follows the same principles of service.

International Student Office

Information on the areas of responsibility for staff members within the International Student Office is outlined on our meet the team webpage.  

Feedback, comments and complaints

We welcome feedback and would appreciate suggestions on how we might improve the service we provide. 

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided, you can raise a complaint. It is expected a complaint would initially be raised with a suitable member of staff within the International Student Office, in the first instance this is the Head of the International Student Office.